Welcome to the

Azores Cycling Retreat

Cycling Tours

In São Miguel Island

The Azores, also known as the Hawaii of europe, are the perfect destination for your Cycling Vacation.

There's no better way to truly experience the magic of São Miguel than by riding a bike.

Join us and explore the beautiful roads, trails and landscapes of this special place...

Cycling Guided Tours

What's included:

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Support van

Bike Line Art


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Tour Guide


Ride briefing with snack

Photographic record

Stretching session before and after the ride

Cycling Nutrition

Personal Accidents and Liability Insurances


Lagoa do Fogo: Fire Climb

Road Cycling

Sete Cidades: Green Expedition

Furnas - Nordeste: The Magical Loop

Get in touch for more route options and additional info

Moutain Biking/Gravel

Lagoa do Fogo: Dusty Routes

Sete Cidades: Around the Vulcano

Furnas - Nordeste: Untouched Wilderness

Get in touch for more route options and additional info

Our guides


Cyclist, runner and deeply in love with his hometown. He is always looking for new challenges and adventures.

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If you find him, he is probably rinding his bike while doing a film. Cyclist, filmaker and a true beer lover.

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Contact us

And plan your dream cycling vacation

If you have any questions we are here for you!

Send us an email or book a call with us for free.

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Glitch Paly Music Video

Copyright @ 2024 - Azores Cycling Retreat